Monday, September 30, 2019
Queen Elizabeth Ra Speech
Queen Elizabeth Rhetorical Analysis Essay Queen Elizabeth’s purpose with her speech is to help boost morale and show her support for the troops. She achieves this by speaking with such tenacity and by appealing to her soldier’s sense of nationalism. Elizabeth says she’s willing to lay down her life for the country she loves, as the men in front of her are about to do. Through this statement she is able to establish a connection with the troops, an example of Pathos, as she appeals to their love for England.The reason for this is to show the troops that she respects each one of them for the price they may have to pay for such a noble sacrifice. At the end of the speech she calls her enemies the enemies of God, England, and her people, and uses the word my in front of all three examples. The use of â€Å"my†shows that she takes ownership of these things and, as all good owners should do, shows that she plans to protect these things. Another way Elizabeth co nnects to her troops is by offering them monetary rewards for their actions.She also says that they are guaranteed by the word of prince, because in this time period, men were superior to women. Although she is Queen and it matters little that she’s a woman, the use of â€Å"prince†is highly significant because she basically refers to herself as equal to a man. This makes her men see her equal and respect her even more. Queen Elizabeth uses these ways to connect to her troops in order for them to be able to fight well in the upcoming battle.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Compair Voyages by Chinese Fleet in Early 1400s to Voyages of Lberians
Cody Gundick History Oct 8, 2012 History Essay For most of the last several thousand years, it would have seemed far likelier that Chinese or Indians, not Europeans, would dominate the world by the year 2000, and that America and Australia would be settled by Chinese rather than by the inhabitants of a backward island called Britain. (The Prequel, Kristof p552) The voyages by the Chinese fleet were very different but had some similarities to the voyages of the Liberians. The Portuguese and Spaniards had different goals, because of their heritage, in the voyages.Depending on what Spanish voyage it was the captain of the voyages were different but sometimes similar in some ways. The Chinese were far more advanced in technology that the Spaniards or the Portuguese were. Westerners often attribute their economic advantage today to the intelligence, democratic habits, or hard word of their forebears, but a more important reason may well have been the folly of fifteenth-century Chinese rul ers. (The Prequel, Kristof p. 553) Zheng He was a muslin from a rebel family and had seized by the Chinese army when he was a boy.The turning point in the 1400s was when Admiral Zheng He sailed from China to concur the world on several voyages. One captain similar to Zheng He was Vasco da Gama. In 1497 the Portuguese seaman led a fleet of for ships around the southern tip of Africa into the Indian Ocean. He kind of copied off of Bartolomeu Dias but Vasco da Gama didn’t return back to Portugal. Both of those men worked for their king while Zheng He did it all for himself. Not to be selfish, he didn’t keep all the knowledge he got for himself he just went on the expeditions and didn’t have to take orders from anyone.Vasco da Gama was trying to give riches to his king but he failed when none of his worthless gifts were successful. However, his voyages were all about trade routs. They were looking for another way to get to Europe instead of taking the treacherous wa y across the land. ZHeng He was not interested in trade routs nor with Europe at all. Another captain that has to take orders from a king is Christopher Columbus. He was an Italian sailor from Genoa. He tried to sail west to Asia but as many people know today that is impossible.Columbus reached the Caribbean islands thinking he was by China and Japan. Zheng He would probably laugh in Columbus’s face if Christopher came up to Zheng and asked him to fund his voyages. First Columbus named the islands after his king and queen then he wandered around looking for big cities. He was greatly interested in the people and wanted to learn their speech and ways. Zheng He would have showed up to the island, took one leader and some interesting items back home and try to learn about it from there.If Columbus had as much power, money, and technology as Zheng He there voyages wouldn’t have been much different. The goals of the Spaniards were far different from those of Zheng He. As I said before Zheng He was not concerned in spreading his religions, customs, or technologies. He just wanted to learn about the world in his own way. Yes he had a lot of soldiers but he didn’t capture and concur land with them. He just plundered the lands for knowledge and items. A far different captain from Zheng He was Hernan Cortes.Cortes, of minor noble descent, at the age of nineteen sailed to the Indies, where he established a big estate on the island of Hispaniola. When he heard stories of Montezuma’s gold he was determined to take it from him. (The Conquest of New Spain, Bernal Diaz p598) Unlike Columbus and Zheng He, Cortes geared up for war. He brought 500 soldiers, eleven ships, 16 horses, and several pieces of artillery. (The Conquest of New Spain, Bernal Diaz p598) Cortes still had to follow the rules of his leader but he later disobeyed him and became a wanted man back as his country.Cortes was not interested in trade or economic issues to better his home country. He was determined to have everything for him self and to try spread Christianity to please the king. That also comes with trying to in slave all of the Indians. That he did after he used his brilliant strategy to kill Montezuma and take over the city. The only thing that Zheng He did badly for himself was when he wanted to get items that he had nothing to give in return beside Peaceful power projection. It was that Zheng He promised to ally with the people that gave him what he wanted.The Spaniards did terrible things to the Indians. The took infants from their mothers breast, snatching hem by the legs and pitching them headfirst against the crags or snatched them by the arms and threw them into the rivers, roaring with laughter and saying as the babies fell into the water, Boil there you offspring of the devil. (The Devastation of the Indies, Bartolome De Las Casas p615) If Zheng He had that kind of attitude of capture and concur he could have easily done it. But thank god he didn’t.Zheng He, in my opinion, could do anything he wanted. China was the worlds powerhouse and I wish Zheng He went to the Indians before the Spaniards to give them Peaceful Power Projection because he could have allied with them and gave them protection from the evil blood thirsty Spaniards. Even though he was behind in time China was far more advanced than any other country. In Zheng He’s time, China and India together accounted for more than half of the world’s gross national produce. (The Prequel, Kristof p553) As they have for most of history.In 1820 China accounted for 29% of the global economy and India another 16%, according to the calculations of Angus Maddison, a leading British economic historian. Zheng He’s fleet was far bigger than any Spanish or Portugal fleet. Not until World War I did the west mount anything comparable to his fleet. His ships were filled with 28,000 sailors on 300 ships, (The Prequel, Kristof p552) and all he was con cerned about was learning. Zheng He could have easily continued around the Cape of Good Hope and established direct trade with Europe.But as they saw it Europe was a backward region and China had little interest in it. (The Prequel, Kristof p554) Because China was not driven by conquest or imperialistic domination I would have much rather be a soldier on his ship than any other ship sponsored by a king and queen. To conclude, the Spanish were concerned about spreading Christianity, Portugal wanted trade, that’s probably why they had one of the greatest ports, and China, well just the emperor wanted to learn about the world around him. Too bad that was not continued after his death.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Optimal Cognitive Development With the Help of Play Research Paper
Optimal Cognitive Development With the Help of Play - Research Paper Example A potential example of learning according to Piaget’s theory is in a kindergarten classroom. It is noteworthy here that in the kindergarten classroom, children are in the preoperational stage in which, they are egocentric. When a teacher in the kindergarten classroom asks the students to discuss their activity when it snows outside, different children share different thoughts; some might say that they like to make snowmen while others might say that they like making snow angels. None of these responses can be regarded as incorrect because these responses are grounded in children’s personal experiences of being outside in the snow. Such a discussion in the kindergarten classroom helps the children visualize and realize different activities that can be performed out in the snow with the information provided by their fellow classmates. Children in the kindergarten classroom think that the only correct answer to the teacher’s question is theirs since they are egocent ric. It is extremely important to realize different ways of employing the theories of cognitive development. Teachers can use Piaget’s cognitive theory of play in the kindergarten classroom to help the students become master learners. Major components of Piaget’s theory of play will be evidenced in my classroom through the division of the classroom into different centres or sections, each for a different type of play, as well as one where different types of plays can be organized in combination. For example, children will be given musical instruments like pianos and guitars to play.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Economic Development of China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Economic Development of China - Research Paper Example It however remains to be termed as a growing economy since its per capita income is still low compared to the other developed economies and its market reforms are still not complete. Many challenges have as well resulted from its rapid economic growth and these include urbanization, high levels of inequality, external imbalance and challenges on the sustainability of the environment. It is also faced with internal labor migration and demographic challenges, which are associated to a high population of an aging population. It therefore requires policy adjustments to see sustainability in growth of China (The World Bank Para 6). The economy of china has attained a significant change over the decades and this was marked by its beginning of economic reforms that took place in 1978. Before these reforms, China had a command economy. This form of economy is also referred to a centrally planned economy whereby all or the major output from economic activities were controlled by the state. The state was responsible for setting the goals of production for the firms, allocated resources throughout the economy and set the operating prices. The individual firms of the households were in the 1950s were joined collectively into communes. In support of industrialization, the government undertook investment in human and physical capital in 1960s and 1970s. Three quarters of the entire industrial production at this time was from enterprises that were owned or controlled by the state and at this time, private businesses and foreign investment firms, which are the multinational companies, were barred. The government at this time had an aim of making the economy of china to be self -sufficient. The government policies held at this time held the economy of China into a state of economic stagnation and inefficiency. Companies, firms and the employees lacked incentives for working hard and improving
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 19
Religion - Essay Example w Research Center for the People & the Press and the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life indicate that around 96% of Americans believe in God or other supreme being which is an indication that there is some form of religion that is alive in America. Further research by General Social Survey (GSS) shows that in the 21st Century, the number of Americans attending religious services and those who proclaim their religious preference has since doubled from that of the previous century. As from 2008 in the onset of economic crisis, the number of Americans who turned religious is said to have increased drastically. Critics say this is as a way of trying to seek divine intervention from the economic problems but according to Newport in his book God Is Alive and Well: The Future of Religion in America, it is because they realized that it is only through religion and divine intervention that they can be redeemed and get solace (Newport 45). This can be said to be the case because even as the economic problems eased, those that had become religious did not revert back to secular ways but have continued to remain among the religious based on the polls conducted by research firms. According to Newport, the evidence of religion is through actions where religious people are expected to change their behavior from bad to good or even better. Based on this therefore as an indication of an increase in religion, America can be said to be religious (Newport 156). Further evidence other than the one from the polls indicates a reduction in crime. This is an indication that many Americans have changed their behavior for the better. The elections of 2012 also proved to have religion in mind and proved that religion is alive. The leaders who were vying for positions such as the senate one had religious agendas in mind though not expressed directly. For example some of them were prolife and repulsed all the evil that is not acceptable by religion. If the leaders are religious, then many
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Provide Information about Shadowing Experience of a Nurse Practitioner Essay
Provide Information about Shadowing Experience of a Nurse Practitioner in a Primary Care Physician Office - Essay Example This paper will explain the shadowing experience of a nurse practitioner in a primary care physician’s office. The care provided by nurse practitioners significantly varies from one country to another. The Pearson Report contains all the duties that are supposed to be performed by nurse practitioners. Further analysis also proves that nurse practitioners can perform several duties in different institutions including health centers, nursing homes, unique clinics and learning institutions (Buppert, 2003). Furthermore, nurse practitioners are licensed after completing the practitioner’s program. Advancements in the discipline of nursing began in the mid-20th century. Research asserts that most of the changes in the field of nursing were implemented in this era. The office of primary care was set up in order to improve the accessibility, availability and value of care to individuals of a certain area. The primary care offices are liable for supplying primary care providers in various countries. In most states, the primary care unit has established a work plan that is designed to augment the supply of primary care physicians in order to meet the health care requirements. This work plan also entails the training programs which are employed in primary care, the primary care shadowing program and elective chances in primary care. The work plan also deals with the development of incentives for primary care. Such incentives include increasing the salaries of the primary care specialists and loan repayment factors (Buppert, 2003). Most health care companies prefer nurse practitioners who have significant physician assistant shadowing. Most health care experts usually undergo a shadowing experience which involves primary care. According to statistics in different countries, majority of patients originate from low and middle income populations. For example, in South Africa, most of the patients originate from the middle-class individuals; therefore, the primar y care centers in such regions employ many health care professionals (Buppert, 2003). In the past, health care students mostly participated in various projects, which were considered as voluntary actions (Buppert, 2003). These projects were executed because the profession of nursing practitioners is regulated by the country. In the recent past, it was reported that there is a shortage of primary care physicians in most of the health centers globally. In fact, most individuals developed the idea of substituting the primary care providers with nurse practitioners. To some extent, the nurses are able to act as substitutes for primary care providers since, they are quite learned. The primary care givers are responsible for the provision of several functions in health care. Some of the tasks performed by the primary care givers include; accessing the medical needs of the patients and comprehensive care of patients. Primary care physicians account to around 50% of the annual office visits that are made by physicians (Wexler, 2010). In fact, the primary care physicians are the only individuals who are able to provide proper health care that addresses a majority of the patients. This form of care has substantially yielded sustained partnership within community members and patients. Utilization of the primary care services has also reduced mortality and morbidity rates. These factors prove that primary care serv
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome - Essay Example It was in the late 2002, researchers found in the clinics of southern China, a febrile upper respiratory illness, which was progressing into a life threatening pneumonia in some persons. It later turned out to be an explosive outbreak in Hong Kong, which The World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2003 defined as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The WHO has formed guidelines for the global surveillance of severe acute reparatory syndrome, for the purpose of detecting cases rapidly and to prevent the further national or international spreading of the disease. Characteristics of SARS –spread and severity of SARS Through droplets The major mode of spreading the disease is considered to be by droplet spread by close person-to-person contact. The most cases reported that people who lived with the patient or had direct contact had affected the disease. In a research study it was found that, SARS-CoV would affect the persons in close vicinity of an infected person. Through contact with fomites Studies have proven that virus can remain viable on a dry surface for a period up to 24hours. By touching the objects or surfaces contaminated with the virus can affect in the sensitive parts like membranes of the eye, nose, or mouth. Virus spread through the fomites has higher risk of causing the disease. Through the faeces Studies have proven that the SARS-CoV can sustain in faeces. It can remain unharmed at room temperature for 1to 2 days and stays up to 4days in stools from patients with diarrhea. Through airborne spread The community outbreak in the March 2003, which affected more than 300 patients, points a finger at the possibility of transmitting the virus airborne. A diarrhea patient had been affected by the virus-laden aerosols that traveled from the sewer of the other flats. Some of the aerosols that assist the disease transmission are created by some medical procedures such as endotracheal intubation, open tracheal suction, and nasopharyngeal aspirat ion. The situations prevailed in the hospital is under the study that whether inadequate ventilation in the packed atmosphere has contributed anything to the hospital outbreak. The epidemic SARS was started as a hospital outbreak in many countries highly affecting the health care workers. Failure to implement adequate personal protective equipment or proper infection control procedures were said to be the reasons for such hospital outbreaks. Some cases reported had no history of infection and were sporadically occurring. The scientists found it difficulty in preventing the virus as there was rapid dissemination in the major cities. In the same way, it was found that the herd immunity was very low in the affected countries. Only in places where effective public health measures were in practice, people could put off the virus. Most feared characteristic The factor that makes people nervous about traveling and cancels their travel plans is that the SARS can transmit through contact wit h fomites. The WHO has officially declared cases about the patients affected by the virus through fecal-oral contact. So they fear in going to other places where they may have to get in contact with other people or even need to go to a hotel. If an affected person had been in the hotel before them, the virus can still remain unharmed in the surface and can transmit the disease into them. It is proven that the virus can remain in the dry surface for 24hours. Such fear and anxiety about the disease causes people to cancel their trips to other countries, in fact it helps in preventing the disease to some extent. Bibliography Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. SARS Case 1, Autospy Singapore. Retrieved from Trends and directions for global public health
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) rated Taiwan ranked 13th out of Essay
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) rated Taiwan ranked 13th out of 66 countries globally for IT competitiveness globally in 2 - Essay Example But to be competitive, there are key public strategies and policies that need to be considered in the field of information technology. In this essay, Taiwan is used as a case study of a highly performing information technology competitive country among sixty six (66) other countries that were ranked by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The inputs that went to getting Taiwan this enviable place of 13th that puts it ahead of countries like South Korea and Japan are examined to the latter using Porter’s Diamond Model. The analysis is also expanded to include ways by which the country can maintain its position or better it as well as ways of avoiding the unlikely event of losing out on its position. At the end of the paper, the writer hopes to achieve the objective of clearly outlining the national information and communication technology strengths and weaknesses associated with various countries in comparison to Taiwan to see how Taiwan could be used as a model especially wh en it comes to the area of electronics and semiconductor development. Overview of the IT Competiveness Index The IT Industry competitiveness index is generally in place as a scale for finding out how various countries are performing in terms of the application of information technology into industrial growth. To this end, several indicators are used to find out how sixty six (66) selected countries are competing among themselves in the various areas of indicators. The index was first published in 2007 (Rad and Beek, 2009) and had 26 of the said indicators grouped into six major categories for scoring. After scoring is done in the various categories, the accumulated score determines the place of various countries. This implies that the IT Industry Competitiveness Index is highly quantitative, making it empirical and open to public critique (Roll, 2006). The subsequent advantage that comes with this provision is that the index is generally tagged as credible; even considering the fact that it is hosted by none other quarters than the Economists Intelligence Unit with support for BSA. The various categories are given different weightings according to the impact that each of them makes towards information technology enhancement. The six major categories and their corresponding weightings are presented below. Category Weighting Overall business environment IT infrastructure Human capital Legal environment R&D environment Support for IT industry development 10% 20% 20% 10% 25% 15% Total 100% Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited, 2011 Factor Conditions Analysis of Taiwan’s Performance The chat bellow gives a detailed and graphical representation of the performance of Taiwan in the 2011 IT Competitiveness Index. From the graph presented above, it can be seen that Taiwan scored more than half of available score of 100% in all six categories. The highest performing scores were however recorded in business environment and legal environment, which scored 86.5% and 74.5% respectively. This means that Taiwan as a country has created an enabling business environment that makes the country highly attractive to investors, both home and abroad. As the investors do business in the country, they are assured of sound legal backing that is free from all forms of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Outline current policies and legislation relating to children and how these affect your practice Essay Example for Free
Outline current policies and legislation relating to children and how these affect your practice Essay First of all what is the difference between â€Å"policy and legislation†. â€Å"A policy is a document that outlines what a government is going to do and what it can achieve for the society as a whole. It also outlines any and all methods and principles that the government or any entity, for that matter, will use to achieve its directive. Legislation is another term meaning statutory law. These laws have been enacted by a legislature or the governing body of a country. Legislation can also mean the process of making the law.†Before being able to take a position held in a school I would have to be DBS Disclosure and Barring Services which are replaced the CRB check**. This is a regulation within the law which will be looking at an individuals criminal history ranging from convictions, cautions down to warnings. In the Protection of Children Act 1999 it states that all adults working with children must be DBS checked. Any person who is found to have their name on this list with a criminal offense regarding children will not be allowed to work within this area. I would have to work under the law of the Children Act 2004 which is there to make sure the welfare and health of the child is protected, this also includes the Every Child Matters in which all children deserve and should expect the levels of care and adhere to this. This also includes in this green paper allowing all services to share information on children that they have concerns over, this is to help all the services have a better understanding and have the knowledge of that particular childs risk history so to evaluate what the next appropriate step is to take for this particular child.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
YOLO Tumblr Essay Example for Free
YOLO Tumblr Essay Roof party blog hella semiotics, trust fund YOLO Tumblr twee swag next level wayfarers tote bag. Mustache artisan asymmetrical mlkshk, church-key art party direct trade DIY Schlitz freegan. Occupy sartorial wolf polaroid, DIY farm-to-table fashion axe YOLO Godard. Actually pug semiotics vegan VHS wolf. Intelligentsia chia fixie direct trade keffiyeh. Gluten-free umami meggings, freegan literally pug Williamsburg beard lomo lo-fi. PBRB jean shorts Echo Park, whatever direct trade flannel letterpress Austin chambray squid fanny pack sustainable scenester biodiesel. Fanny pack flexitarian Intelligentsia, banh mi asymmetrical tousled jean shorts Brooklyn put a bird on it photo booth you probably havent heard of them forage Vice American Apparel. Four loko post-ironic beard cliche High Life Portland distillery, gluten-free squid. Ethnic disrupt pork belly, authentic Echo Park Neutra umami freegan Portland fap four loko try-hard iPhone food truck letterpress. Salvia bespoke occupy church-key. Salvia pickled Echo Park Schlitz ethical +1 letterpress, post-ironic Austin 8-bit mlkshk Blue Bottle fingerstache. Flexitarian bicycle rights Pinterest farm-to-table DIY, fap next level put a bird on it selvage photo booth iPhone. Sartorial blog asymmetrical, messenger bag pour-over master cleanse literally brunch you probably havent heard of them. Four loko Godard 90s organic, Odd Future Tumblr fanny pack cray put a bird on it Austin Thundercats ethnic. +1 beard High Life, food truck ethical Truffaut narwhal tote bag tryhard cornhole 8-bit chambray blog. Pour-over 8-bit mlkshk XOXO Schlitz art party. Ethnic Neutra selfies, swag slow-carb kogi before they sold out blog chillwave Tonx. Literally normcore 90s, fap tattooed Portland umami Pinterest ethnic. Quinoa single-origin coffee kale chips Etsy. Carles Tonx master cleanse, flannel cred vegan chia single-origin coffee dreamcatcher sartorial try-hard. DIY chillwave Bushwick ugh gastropub, hoodie food truck bicycle rights pop-up ennui beard cornhole. Normcore readymade dreamcatcher Marfa. Locavore plaid biodiesel organic, Intelligentsia occupy High Life. Kogi fanny pack try-hard, ethical Williamsburg occupy fingerstache hashtag. Post-ironic leggings Brooklyn typewriter. Church-key pickled butcher vinyl, ethnic banh mi paleo shabby chic cornhole wayfarers Pitchfork. Portland tofu High Life, twee selfies four loko gluten-free post-ironic VHS sartorial vinyl normcore retro cray. Organic roof party next level Truffaut, mumblecore cliche street art Carles meggings cornhole Cosby sweater Tumblr VHS. Hoodie fingerstache Odd Future cred keffiyeh, plaid salvia kogi meggings trust fund street art flexitarian seitan. Seitan ugh before they sold out swag. Vinyl slow-carb raw denim, flannel vegan locavore VHS single-origin coffee typewriter dreamcatcher ennui. Pickled hoodie drinking vinegar 3 wolf moon, PBRB craft beer chambray paleo American Apparel lo-fi swag. Yr flannel Bushwick Blue Bottle viral put a bird on it. Drinking vinegar Shoreditch pickled direct trade gastropub, stumptown chia Bushwick. Seitan stumptown trust fund retro PBRB. Mustache Vice cliche raw denim, normcore mixtape direct trade McSweeneys. 90s chia craft beer gastropub ugh chillwave. Yr you probably havent heard of them direct trade, 8-bit flexitarian Bushwick Pinterest fashion axe sriracha cliche. Slow-carb distillery lo-fi keytar, Etsy umami put a bird on it XOXO Truffaut vinyl Wes Anderson gastropub. Occupy paleo Carles Pinterest. Tousled Carles jean shorts twee bicycle rights kitsch blog Tumblr. Food truck chillwave fingerstache, PBRB +1 wayfarers iPhone disrupt Helvetica Tonx. Single-origin coffee gluten-free aesthetic Pinterest. Actually asymmetrical umami ugh sartorial, bitters normcore. Mlkshk street art messenger bag readymade stumptown. Blue Bottle jean shorts small batch Odd Future, umami mumblecore wayfarers trust fund aesthetic irony Cosby sweater leggings. Distillery ethical viral, fixie scenester normcore 3 wolf moon Etsy Odd Future keytar wayfarers McSweeneys organic. Church-key mumblecore aesthetic, American Apparel food truck 3 wolf moon hashtag banjo tote bag. Keytar disrupt next level, art party trust fund roof party semiotics pop-up. Fashion axe cardigan Marfa fixie hashtag Odd Future, viral Carles. Actually gastropub flexitarian, messenger bag Pitchfork High Life Godard kale chips semiotics +1 cray. Etsy Brooklyn Portland +1 retro. IPhone McSweeneys pop-up Marfa quinoa mlkshk. Banjo ethnic pug, craft beer yr swag seitan try-hard irony synth. Bitters normcore 8-bit, tofu photo booth before they sold out banjo meggings banh mi viral McSweeneys pug mlkshk Pitchfork. Sriracha salvia lo-fi, occupy farm-to-table retro tofu mustache 3 wolf moon ethnic meggings cardigan Tonx shabby chic DIY. Forage pop-up mustache, meggings next level 3 wolf moon kale chips banh mi photo booth selfies actually dreamcatcher kogi McSweeneys fap. Cray bespoke bicycle rights pork belly letterpress readymade. XOXO chambray beard occupy. Thundercats PBR typewriter put a bird on it YOLO polaroid. Banjo keffiyeh viral XOXO, small batch bitters Tonx cray sriracha. Vice tofu letterpress Shoreditch gluten-free kale chips Cosby sweater, beard bespoke banh mi PBR readymade sriracha. Artisan trust fund High Life hella, mumblecore banh mi sriracha four loko ethical disrupt typewriter literally Echo Park. Bespoke authentic chambray wolf selvage, chillwave deep v +1 normcore actually banh mi mixtape cred disrupt. Church-key fixie chillwave Wes Anderson aesthetic authentic keytar, artisan selfies pug fashion axe. Beard McSweeneys direct trade butcher 3 wolf moon. Gluten-free yr paleo semiotics, chillwave twee Truffaut Marfa keffiyeh squid pickled. Drinking vinegar selvage keffiyeh selfies gentrify. PBR church-key Thundercats, paleo four loko bicycle rights kale chips mixtape 3 wolf moon Tumblr Etsy bitters whatever Pitchfork pork belly.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Issues Related To Global Training And Development Management Essay
Issues Related To Global Training And Development Management Essay For a multinational company that wishes to successfully implement a set of training and development initiatives, it will be imperative to establish coordination and cohesion between subsidiaries and headquarters. In doing so to, this will ensure people are trained and developed to their full potential and maximum effectiveness in line with organisational strategies and objectives. This essay aims to highlight the various issues concerning global training and development, with particular attention to the United Kingdom (Headquarters), Peoples Republic of China and the United States of America (Subsidiaries). Having highlighted the issues, the essay will then use relevant framework, theories and case studies to establish whether or not it is feasible for a multinational to implement a common set of training and development initiates across its global subsidiaries. Issues Related to Global Training and Development There are of course many issues related to global training and development that need to be addressed, some of which include the design, development and implementation of such initiatives (Briscoe, 2009). These are important issues for the UK multinational to consider, as they will determine the acceptance and effectiveness of the training and development schemes. In order to maximise the probability of success, Briscoe, 2009 suggests that translating and adapting to the local cultural practices, as well as compliance with local laws affecting training will greatly improve the feasibility of implementing training and development initiatives across a global platform. In order to do this, it will be important to gain insight into the training and development practices within the PRC and the USA. Training and Development in the Peoples Republic of China Over the past two decades, the training and development of managers has become an increasingly important issue for the government to promote its economic objectives (Nyaw, 1995). Chinese managers are being trained in modern management techniques, as well as appropriate industrial or commercial skills, by the companies themselves as well as by universities, professional associations, and foreign consulting firms. Companies are working with the government to develop school criteria that will produce skilled workers (Drost et. al., 2002). In addition, many multinationals, such as ABB, Ericsson, Procter Gamble, Motorola, and Siemens, have established state-of-the-art, corporate-style, campus training centers (Minehan, 1996). The establishment of corporate training centers sends a strong message to employees and prospective recruits that these employers are investing in China for the long term. Training and Development in the United States of America The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) reported that most organizations train about 74% of their employees (Drost et al., 2002). Moreover, a recent review of training practices in U.S. firms (Salas et al., 1999), Zenger (1996) argued that training has become peripheral to organizations rather than integrated into organizations. Similarly, recent data from ASTD indicated that the size of many training departments is shrinking while the use of training sources outside the organization is increasing. As training moves outside of the organization, training consultants may develop programs that might not fit the organizations training needs (Salas et al., 1999). Implications for the UK Multinational Having gained insight and perspective into the current training and development practices of the two countries concerned, it is now important to assess the implications for the UK based multinational. With regard to China, it is encouraging to learn that the government is promoting training and development not only at a local level, but also among international organizations. This will greatly increase the UK multinationals probability for success when implementing these initiatives. Given that China has a different culture, customs and language, it will be vital that the training is not generic and coincides with the learning styles, education levels and local laws in order to achieve the desired outcome. The increase of training and development outsourcing in the US presents some problems for the UK multinational. As the training initiatives being implemented may be job-specific and highly technically orientated, the idea of relying on a third party to delivering the training could cause employees to perceive that it is neither valued nor effective, which drastically reduces the probability for success when implementing these initiatives. It will therefore be necessary for the UK multinational to address this issue with caution, by ensuring that the training is delivered by only the most appropriate and suitable partner. In light of these implications it is now necessary to determine whether a localized or standardized approach to training and development is more feasible. Localized Approach to Global Training Development After understanding how training and development features in the two subsidiaries, it becomes apparent that there are few similarities. Therefore a localized approach would seem much more appropriate rather than to just apply successful training programs from headquarters and assume they will work elsewhere. This neglects the need to tailor training to the subsidiary environment where learning styles, education levels and language barrier may affect the transfer of learning. By successfully recognizing the requirements of each subsidiary the training will become much more relevant and allow the receiving participants to apply what they learn in the training programs into their day-to-day activities. Hofstedes Framework for Assessing Culture By utilizing Hofstedes cultural dimensions (please refer to Figure 1.0 2.0) to contrast and compare the differences between the UK, China and America, it will become apparent that there are profound differences that need to be addressed otherwise the multinational risks reducing the acceptance and effectiveness of the training interventions. Chinas high Power Distance Index (PDI) indicates that subordinates are much more likely to accept and except that power is distributed unequally. In the realm of training and development this means individuals are influenced by formal authority figures and are in general optimistic about peoples capacity for leadership and initiative (Hofstede, 1991). This implies that in order for the training to be effective and engaging, the candidate(s) responsible for delivering the training should come from a higher authority and position in the company hierarchy. Failure to acknowledge this may result in the training exercises not being taken seriously. This differs greatly from the UK and USA where PDI is low, suggesting that subordinates from these two countries are less likely to discriminate a person based on their background. China is also a highly collectivist society, where people belong in groups that take care of them in exchange for loyalty (Hofstede, 1991), the UK by comparison is a very individually driven society much like the Americans. Where training and development is concerned, this may present problems for the UK multinational. For failure to recognize that people in China are generally more inclined to accept and embrace new training methods if taught in a group rather than individually will determine the successfulness of these new initiatives. Long-term Orientation (LTO) is the third and final dimension that highlights the significant differences between the two cultures. This dimension has much to do with the teaching of Confucius (à ¥Ã‚ †à ¥Ã‚  ), a deep rooted philosophy in Chinese tradition. The high score for China suggests that the people look at the bigger picture, whereas their western colleagues (from US and UK) focus more on the short-term gains. With regard to training and development, the UK multinational must ensure that the initiatives resonate with the Chinese people. It will be important to show how learning new skills and expertise will benefit them in the long term and enable them to develop skills that might help them in their future role within the company. Standardized Approach to Global Training Development While there are many reasons to localize training, Briscoe, 2009 outlines that MNEs also must integrate their training and development activities, not only to achieve economies of scale and scope, but to ensure that the same training and development is available for all of their worldwide employees. The Aditya Birla Group is a US$28 billion corporation. It employs 100,000 people belonging to 25 nationalities and over 50% of its revenues were attributed to its overseas operations in countries like the US, the UK, China, Germany, Hungary and Brazil. By instituting its own Gyanodaya learning centre, this helped facilitate the transfer of best practices across the group companies. The training methodology compromised of classroom teaching and e-learning initiatives and the training was accessible to the group employees through the group-wide intranet. The once very expensive development of computer-based training is being democratized and put to the fingertips of everyone through e-learning tools (Briscoe, 2009). This format for delivery would seem the most appropriate approach for the UK headquarters to implement its objectives across to the American subsidiary as these two countries share a similarities in language, culture and respective laws regarding training and development. Although this approach is simple, efficient and a cost effective means of delivering training across global platforms, there may still be implementation and cultural acceptance issues where China is concerned. Black, Mendenhall Oddous Framework for Selection Appropriate Training Methods A great example of how a multinational should go about implementing its training and development schemes is highlighted in Mendenhalls framework for selecting appropriate training methods (Please refer to Figiure 3.0 4.0). Taking the form of a questionnaire, this framework identifies and distinguishes different cultures through the degree of novelty the candidate (delivering the training) will be exposed to. The higher the degree of novelty, the more rigorous the training is. For example, if the UK based multinational had plans to send two candidates abroad (to implement the training) one to China, and the other to America. The candidate sent to China would surely need to undergo a more thorough training regimen than the colleague who is being sent to America. Tesco Plc. Tim Mason (CEO of Fresh and Easy) and Ken Towle (CEO of Tesco China) are the two highly paid, very experienced and well respected managers. Although they both cut their teeth climbing up the corporate ladder in the UK, when it came to implementing business strategy abroad, neither of their strategies came to fruition. For the purpose of this essay these two candidates will illustrate how Tesco Plc. have seriously underestimated the importance that training and development plays in the global context of business, and possibly suggest alternative approaches for future companies to consider when implementing such initiatives. Tim Mason relocated to the U.S. with his family as part of the assignment of building the U.S. presence. He led the team researching the U.S. market prior to the company opening its first American store. Despite initial plans to implement a similar business model to that of Tesco UK stores, in 2010 Tesco reported a trading loss of  £142m from Fresh Easy (This is Money, 2009). As of yet Fresh and Easy are still to break even, which can be attributed to high overheads that Tesco claim is necessary in order to successfully compete in the market. However, experts say that a misunderstanding of the American consumer was the real reason why the company had had to close stores all over the country and rethink its implementation strategy. Across the North Pacific Ocean, Ken Towel has been having his go at cracking one of the most lucrative markets in the world. Granted that China presents many opportunities, there are also many cultural, political and legislative nuances that have to be appropriately and effectively dealt with in order for them to reap the riches in this wild and wonderful country. Ken Towles approach to capturing market share, highlighted his naivety of the Chinese consumer, granted that he has now amended his short coming, this has still came at a high price to Tesco. Highlighted in this real life example, is the message that in order to succeed abroad, especially in countries where the degree of novelty and interaction is high; companies must tailor their training programs to be relevant and much more interactive rather than simply educational and informative. By enhancing the level of involvement i.e. through role playing exercises and visits, the candidate will feel confident and able, and hopefully develop global leadership skills that can be applied to future assignments and projects. This will enable career progression and enhance the talent pool, which will most certainly be a key attribute for any company wishing to succeed in an international business environment. Conclusion Recommendations Throughout, it has been stressed that relying on a common set of polices is limiting, and disregards many issues relating to the global training and development. In order to be able to successfully implement a set of initiatives globally, the multinational needs to take in to account the differences that are present between headquarters and respective subsidiary, whether they are language, culture, law or legislation. By recognizing these differences the company will develop a set of culturally sound and universally accepted HR practices, which will improve their chances of success. To conclude, America and the UK are in many ways similar. It would therefore be feasible to implement a common set of management training and development policies across these two platforms. However, when China is added to the equation this complicates matters slightly. Even though this country is becoming better understood and more economically developed, there is still a large difference between the East and the West. Where training and development is concerned, multinationals must adhere to the local way of life and understand the people and their environment in order develop a truly effective strategy. These Chinese have a saying that puts emphasis on many of the arguments made in this essay. à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¥Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¹Ã‚ ¡Ãƒ ©Ã… ¡Ã‚ à ¤Ã‚ ¿- (rà ¹ xiÄ ng suà sà º) When entering a village, follow the customs Personal Reflection Upon receiving this assignment it quickly became apparent that there was no yes or no answer to the question. After consulting with my other group members, we developed various arguments and ideas related to global training and development. For our presentation we decided to feature topics related to expatriation, carrier progression and gender equality to highlight the issues reading the posed question. After researching more around the subject area, I later found these to become less relevant and decided to take a different approach. For my essay I decided to focus more directly at addressing the issue Can a multinational have a common set of policies? Having debated what direction to take, I decided to explore the question by looking at the different approaches (Localization vs. Standardization) to training and development. I felt that this was more relevant due to the fact that it directly addresses the question and explores important themes related to the subject area. I attempted to put myself in the shoes of a business leader, and with the help of academic literature was able to arrive at a solid conclusion. Having not known much about training and development beforehand, I feel now that I have a good understanding of the problems that face multinational when trying to implement these initiatives abroad. Working in a group allowed me the chance to develop arguments, and contest ideas with my team members. We all worked well together and benefitted from one anothers input, which helped in our understanding of the subject and the question.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Silence Of The Lambs: The Battle Between Two Evils Essay example -- es
Silence of the Lambs: The Battle Between Two Evils      In the novel, Silence of the Lambs, we see two different extremes of evil. Dr. Chilton is evil in one respect, while Dr. Hannibal Lecter is evil in his own unique way. Dr. Chilton is the man with bad morals and feels the need to control people. He manipulates people into thinking and acting the way he wants them to. Basically he is the type of guy who takes advantage of his job position, who thinks of himself before others and only acts in ways that will benefit himself. Dr. Hannibal Lector, unlike Dr. Chilton, is unable to control his evil even if he wanted to. Dr. Lector is insane and feels the need to kill people just because he thinks they are boring and from his point of view, they do not seem suitable to be human beings. He understands the things he does are evil, but they do not phase him since he is insane. There is no question, Dr. Lecter is a truly evil man, but Dr. Chilton is the worse of the two.      Dr. Chilton must morally change and take responsibility for himself. Dr. Lector is not able to take control of his evil because of the way his distorted mind thinks. Although his mind is distorted, it is still a very powerful mind which he uses to see into the minds of others. He gets into their heads and plays with their minds, internally torturing them. He is a sick man and needs therapy and constant care in a hospital because he is too... Silence Of The Lambs: The Battle Between Two Evils Essay example -- es Silence of the Lambs: The Battle Between Two Evils      In the novel, Silence of the Lambs, we see two different extremes of evil. Dr. Chilton is evil in one respect, while Dr. Hannibal Lecter is evil in his own unique way. Dr. Chilton is the man with bad morals and feels the need to control people. He manipulates people into thinking and acting the way he wants them to. Basically he is the type of guy who takes advantage of his job position, who thinks of himself before others and only acts in ways that will benefit himself. Dr. Hannibal Lector, unlike Dr. Chilton, is unable to control his evil even if he wanted to. Dr. Lector is insane and feels the need to kill people just because he thinks they are boring and from his point of view, they do not seem suitable to be human beings. He understands the things he does are evil, but they do not phase him since he is insane. There is no question, Dr. Lecter is a truly evil man, but Dr. Chilton is the worse of the two.      Dr. Chilton must morally change and take responsibility for himself. Dr. Lector is not able to take control of his evil because of the way his distorted mind thinks. Although his mind is distorted, it is still a very powerful mind which he uses to see into the minds of others. He gets into their heads and plays with their minds, internally torturing them. He is a sick man and needs therapy and constant care in a hospital because he is too...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Moral Maturation of Huckelberry Finn Essays -- English Literature
The Moral Maturation of Huckelberry Finn A novel structured on the theme of morality, the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain focuses on Huck Finn’s multifaceted growing up process. Huck, through his escapades and misfortunes is obliged to endure the agonizing process from childhood to adulthood where he attains self-knowledge and discovers his own identity. Throughout the journey down the Mississippi River, Jim, Ms. Watson’s runaway slave, accompanies Huck, and is later joined by two con men. It is during this journey that a great moral crisis in Huck’s life occurs where he must make a painful decision as to whether he is going to give Jim up to the slave hunters or notify Ms. Watson about Jim’s whereabouts and assist him to remain a free man. This is the turning point in his character where through deep introspection, he learned to think and reason morally for himself. He comes to his own conclusions, unaffected by the accepted, and often hypocritical, perceptions of Southern culture. Huck also deciphers the truth in the face of lies held by the antagonistic society with its evil nature. From the very introduction of Huckleberry Finn in the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Huck was known for his mastery of playing tricks on those gullible to his antics. In this novel, he played two tricks on Jim, enough to never make him do such a thing again. The first time as a joke, Huck puts a dead rattlesnake near Jim's sleeping place, and its mate comes and bites Jim. He learned for his own sake never to do that because it could have been him bitten by the snake. However, the second prank Huck pulls on Jim unbeknownst to him does not seem to be as funny as he thought it would be when he pretended that the whole fog incident was a figment of Jim’s imagination. Jim was hurt by Huck and calls him trash, the exact turning point of Huck’s morality; he even had the decency to apologize, showing acceptance to a black man. As I quote from pages 83-84 "What do dey stan' for? I'se gwyne to tell you. When I got all wore out wid work, en wid de callin' for you, en went to sleep, my heart wuz mos' broke bekase you wuz los', en I didn' k'yer no' mo' what become er me en de raf'. En when I wake up en fine you back agin, all safe en soun', de tears come, en I could a got down on my knees en kiss yo' foot, I's so thankful. En all you wuz thinkin' 'bout wuz how you could ma... .... Although Jim is a slave, Huck has already learned to recognize Jim as a real human being with emotions and deep consideration for his family. Because of these conclusions, he will do anything to fight for his friend’s rightful freedom. By the middle of the novel, anyone could believe that Huck Finn learned a great lesson of equality and made a complete 360 in becoming a new person. However, this is not so because from the time that Tom Sawyer, Huck’s friend from St. Petersburg, returns to the picture, Huck goes back to his indecent ways and disregards Jim as what he once believed him to be, an equal. They both toy around with Jim as they plan his escape from the Phelps. In conclusion, his hard work to fight against the hypocritical ideals of society at the time came right back and sucked him into their beliefs, all to impress his friend. Once he comes back to living in their society, he would no longer feel like he would have a say in his way of life and ideals especially the fact that Aunt Sally was going to civilize him. This idea of being captivated and made to be civilized does not suit Huck, he plans to run away to the west to escape all that burdens him in this society.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
System coverage
This guide is written for forest rangers and foresters, county forest board members and exaggerators extension workers. Each illustration introduces a set of principles and planning procedures on how exaggerators planning can proceed for the restoration of degraded sloping lands and for the incorporation of trees into agricultural landscapes. 1. 3 How to use this guide? This guide does not provide ready-made recipes, but offers advice on how to integrate trees and exaggerators practices into land restoration in general, and in sloping land management.Its aim is to help extension workers and rammers formulate their own knowledge, innovations and practices for the specific conditions they face. The guide also takes stock of good practice and success stories from locally and aboard, as well as lessons learnt from failures. It is designed as an entry point primarily for field practitioners. In cases where exaggerators is completely absent in current field practices, it may be used to ini tiate a participatory planning process for the incorporation of trees in farms and sloping lands.The purpose is to assist in sustainable economic development and environmental protection. Exaggerators is the combination of agriculture and forestry; rather than treating these as separate options for land use, it brings both together, recognizing and promoting tree use on farms. Exaggerators can be defined as: The integration of trees in farming systems and their management in rural landscapes to enhance productivity, profitability, diversity and ecosystem sustainability.While the number of trees in natural forests is steadily declining, the number of trees on farmland is increasing. In many parts of the tropics, exaggerators is providing essential products and services that can help relieve he pressure on the natural forest domain. EXAGGERATORS: OTHER DEFINITION In simplest language, â€Å"exaggerators is the production of trees and of non-tree crops or animals on the same piece of land†. The crops can be grown together at the same time, can be grown in rotation, or can even be grown in separate plots when materials from one are used to benefit another.However, this simple definition fails to take into account the integrated concepts associated with exaggerators that make this system Of land management possibly the most self-sustaining and ecologically sound of any agricultural system. Thus, a second definition of exaggerators would be, ‘the integration of trees, plants, and animals in conservative, long-term, productive systems†. Exaggerators can be considered more as an approach than as a single, finished technology.Although several finished systems have been devised and tested, such technology may require adjustment for particular situations. The flexibility of the exaggerators approach is one of its advantages. WHY EXAGGERATORS? Exaggerators systems make maximum use of the land. Every part of the land is considered suitable for useful pla nts. Emphasis is placed on perennial, ultimate purpose crops that are planted once and yield benefits over a long period of time. Such benefits include construction materials, food for humans and animals, fuels, fibers, and shade.Trees in exaggerators systems also have important uses such as holding the soil against erosion and improving soil fertility (by fixing nitrogen or bringing minerals from deep in the soil and depositing them by leaf-fall). Furthermore, well-designed systems of exaggerators maximize beneficial interactions of the crop plants while minimizing unfavorable interactions. The most common interaction is intention, which may be for light, water, or soil nutrients. Competition invariably reduces the growth and yield of any crop.Yet competition occurs in monoculture as well, and this need not be more deleterious in exaggerators than monoculture systems. Interactions between components of an exaggerators system are Often complementary. In a system with trees and pastu re, with foraging animals, the trees provide shade and/or forage while the animals provide manure. Thus, exaggerators systems limit the risks and increase sustainability of both small- and large-scale agriculture. Exaggerators yester may be thought of as principle parts of the farm system itself, which contains many other sub-systems that together define a way of life. . 5. 1 -or produce For farmers, well managed exaggerators systems on sloping lands provide food, fiber, fodder, fruit, construction materials, medicine, honey, dyes and resin/gum, among other products. They also provide cultural and household utility items, bush meat from hunting and trapping, and products for sharing and barter among community member. Planted trees can also improve soil fertility and therefore support the production of staple crops and enhance DOD security in this way. 1. 5. 2 To protect Sloping lands are vulnerable to a number Of risks and hazards.Intense monsoon rain can trigger landslides and flas h floods and lead to soil erosion. Trees on slopes can help to prevent these effects, replenish soils and provide other environmental services. For example, a combination of grass strips, shrubs and trees in contour hedgerows on slopes can significantly reduce soil erosion. In addition, droughts can significantly reduce agricultural production, but exaggerators trees can help redistribute water in soil to provide annual rope with greater water availability, and provide shade to prevent water loss.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Comparative Essay: Setting in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ and ‘Hedda Gabler’ Essay
Setting can often reflect the underlying ideas in a play. In the light of this statement, consider the importance and use of setting in ‘Hedda Gabler’ and ‘A Streetcar named Desire’ Setting, with all its different uses, is essential in revealing the imprisonment of protagonists and the values of a society in ‘Hedda Gabler’ by Henrik Ibsen and ‘A Streetcar named Desire’ by Tennessee Williams. Both playwrights employ the use of setting in their plays to help reveal underlying ideas, giving the audience an insight to their respective society and the playwright’s purpose of showing how societies are responsible for imprisoning their own people. Williams displays the fortes and the flaws in 1940s New Orleans with his selection of setting. The setting in ‘A Streetcar named Desire’ reveals New Orleans’ carefree and come-and-go attitude. However, the setting also surfaces the city’s lack of compassion. Ibsen uses the setting to display the entrapment enforced on the protagonist. The constant images of imprisonment such as the window are a constant but subtle reminder to the audience that Hedda Gabler is imprisoned by her 19th Norwegian, sexist and propriety orientated society; to which she can have no input to decide her future. The setting used by both playwrights is essential in revealing the imprisonment of their protagonists, the values of a society in their respective plays as the set reveals the context of the play. Tennessee Williams uses his set in A Streetcar Named Desire to show the incongruity of Blanche in 1940s New Orleans, ultimately displaying how she does not belong there. The scene preceding Blanche’s entrance includes Stanley in his ‘blue denim work clothes’ carrying a ‘red stained meat package’ from the butcher. This reflects the appearance of the setting; a poor area of New Orleans, ‘weathered grey’ buildings with ‘faded white stairs’ complemented by a ‘brown river’ flowing nearby. The entrance of Blanche is inconsistent with this set as she is dressed in a ‘white suit with a fluffy bodice’, a ‘pearl necklace’ and carrying a ‘valise’. She is literally incongruous with the setting’. Even her name; Blanche; which suggests purity and cleanliness, doesn’t match the setting. The audience has an instant response in this first scene; Blanche is obviously not appropriate to New Orleans in the 1940s as she is instantly contrasting with everything that is going on around her. Blanche’s first reactions give testament to he audience’s impressions as he is shocked by the house that her sister, Stella, lives in and has to ‘wearily refers to the slip of paper’ to make sure she’s at the right house. This shows that she is not used to this kind of setting at all. As soon as she steps onto the set, Blanche is imprisoned by it. The ‘New America’ presented by the set is a jail for Blanche as she has no idea how things work and how to interact with women and particularly men. It seems that it is a constant barrier for her and she has nowhere to take refuge but her own mind where she speaks ‘faintly to herself’. It is recipe for tragedy. Williams has used his set in scene one to introduce the incarceration that Blanche experiences from the care-free and the come-and-go attitudes in New Orleans which continue until the end of the play. However, Ibsen presents the entrapment of the protagonist; Hedda, in a different way; the proprietary orientated society and setting that she lives in. Hedda Gabler is set in a 19th Norwegian society that is proprietary orientated, in that it values money, social status and is very traditional. Most of all, women are subjugated. This setting is essential in revealing the Hedda’s captivity in her society as it puts what she says and interacts with in context, allowing the audience to understand the gravity of her tragic situation. As Hedda and John Brack are talking, Hedda becomes very bitter about her obviously dull life. Brack starts to frustrate her with his hopeful and wishful thinking about her future, to which she eventually replies while standing ‘over by the glass door’ and ‘looking out’; ‘I’ve only got a gift for one thing in the world†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. For boring myself to death. She realises that in her society she has only two purposes; to marry and to have children. It is clear that she realises this because she knows how boring her life is and she doesn’t do thing about it. It becomes clear to the audience that Hedda is trapped by her own society in that it won’t accept her as a man would be. She knows that there is fun and enjoyment to be had. One would say she can see it thought the ‘glass door’. But this, again, is a barrier for her that she can’t get past. This is what makes Hedda Gabler such a tragic tale; she knows what independence and enjoyment can be had outside the walls of her house (which she never leaves in the entirety of the play), but she cannot escape them. She knows her fate before she can do anything to change it. She is stuck with her boring life because her 19th century Norwegian society will not allow her to blossom. It can be seen that Ibsen uses his setting to allow the audience to put the tragedy of Hedda Gabler into context of what she says in the play, showing her bitter and inevitable imprisonment in her home from the outside world. Common to both plays is the lack of compassion found within their respective societies emphasising the protagonist’s confinement in their societies to the audience. Henrik Ibsen displays the deficiency of sympathy found within the 19th Norwegian society in the ultimate scene of the play. As the climax of the play is reached, Hedda grabs her pistols and tragically shoots herself in the head. The characters representing selective parts of their society would have been expected to show some sympathy for poor Hedda but none is shown. Three characters are present when the suicide takes place; Tesman, Brack and Mrs Elvsted representing the scholars, the law and servant respectively in their society. None of these characters show any sympathy whatsoever to the now lifeless Hedda. Despicably, Brack criticises her actions and exclaims ‘One doesn’t do that kind of thing’. This is a full representation of the lack of compassion in their society as before thinking about feeling sorry for poor Hedda Gabler, Brack exclaims that Hedda has done the wrong thing by the society’s values. From this, the audience can see that society’s values take priority over everything else. This ultimately shows that Hedda had no chance of branching out from her house from the start. It was always going to end this way. Tennessee Williams’ also shows the shortage of empathy towards the protagonist in the ultimate scene. When Blanche’s breakdown is manifested, the characters all around her, each and everyone representing the society and the setting they live in, show hardly any compassion. Of all people who should have been helping Blanche, her sister, decided to call upon a doctor and a matron to take her to a mental institution. This is very confronting for the audience because if an average woman in 1940s New Orleans can’t even show compassion towards her sister and only family left in the world, then who will. In Both plays, this lack of compassion could be the clincher that led to the fate of both protagonists. All Blanch and Hedda ever wanted was just to fit into their respective societies. But the setting didn’t allow them to do so. The setting is ultimately fundamental in revealing the entrapment enforced on both protagonists as the characters representing the setting are able to show the audience the behaviour of their societies; which have deficits in levels of compassion. The setting used by both playwrights is essential in revealing the imprisonment of their protagonists, the values of a society in their respective plays as the set reveals the context of the play. Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler and Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire are similar in a way as their respective settings reveal the lack of concern and empathy for their respective societies; this deficiency in sympathy towards the protagonists; Hedda and Blanche ultimately leads to their tragic fates. However, the plays are different in that Blanche’s imprisonment in 1940s New Orleans is presented by her incongruity to the setting and New Orleans’ care-free attitude. Whereas Hedda is imprisoned in 19th century Norway by the social ranked, sexist and proprietary orientated society.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Pepsi Generation
Nancy Perry The Pepsi Generation MKTG305-01 Marketing Management Unit 4 Individual Project October 30, 2011 Abstract It takes many years to build a brand name. Pepsi is no exception. This paper discuses what Pepsi means in today’s market and how it has evolved over time. It also discusses the evolution of Pepsi’s target market and their competition. Celebrity endorsements can sell products and this paper discuses Pepsi’s endorsers as well as their competitions. The Pepsi Generation Introduction Pepsi Cola has been around since the 1893. Invented by pharmacist Caleb Bradham, Pepsi was originally named â€Å"Brad’s drink†, it was renamed Pepsi Cola about ten years later (Bellis, n. d. ). The Brand in Today’s Market Pepsi is found everywhere. It is known by everyone. What started out as a drink designed to be enjoyed and to help in digestion has turned into a conglomerate that encompasses so much of our lives, our vocabulary and so many products that we see in our pantries. Today the Pepsi brand more than just a soft drink. It is also breakfast, juices, teas, side dishes, snacks, cereals and oatmeal’s, energy drinks, and even water (Brands, 2011). Pepsi products are found in grocery stores, convenience stores, discount retail stores, and restaurants. The Pepsi logo is found on everything from children’s toys to racecars and is a recognizable symbol all over the world. The Brand’s Evolution Pepsi has come a long way since its creation in Caleb Bradhams kitchen. Pepsi Cola went bankrupt in 1923 and was later purchased by the Loft Candy Company who tried to sell it to Coca Cola. Pepsi’s first jingle was broadcast across the nation in 1940 (Bellis, n. d. ). in 1966 Pepsi is sold in Japan and Eastern Europe for the first time. In 1970, sales exceed the $1 billion mark with 36,000 employees (Our History, n. d. ). the 1980’s saw Pepsi become the largest beverage company in the world with more than 300,000 employees (Our History, n. d. ). By 1990, Pepsi had acquired Frito-Lay, Gamesa, Smarfood, Kentucky Fried Chicken, 7Up, and many other enterprises (Our History, n. d. ). The Brand’s Target Market: Today and Yesterday In the early years of Pepsi, the target market was limited to the customers who frequented Bradham’s Pharmacy in New Bern. Sometime around 1910, Pepsi started an ad campaign featuring women and celebrities (Caleb Bradham (1867-1934), 2011). This was a very successful move on Mr. Bradham’s part. Women have always been the deciding force behind household purchases, and celebrities grab the attention of the consumer. Pepsi’s target market today is geared for a younger crowd. The celebrities that are employed to be in today’s commercials are well known to the younger generation. Of course, commercials are not the only way Pepsi attracts young people. Pepsi sponsors concerts for musicians that are popular with young people. They provide scholarships, arrange educational trips, they give away items like bicycles, cd players t-shirts, and concert tickets (Pepsi Market Targeting, 2010). Positioning Of Competitors Pepsi’s biggest competitor is Coca Cola. Positioning by distribution would not help Coca Cola since Pepsi is found virtually everywhere Coca Cola is found. Price positioning also would not help Coca Cola because their prices are about the same as Pepsi. Benefit positioning is a good way for Coca Cola to position itself in the minds of consumers but Pepsi has one thing going for it that Coca Cola does not: Pepsi has food products in its list of goods and Coca Cola does not. Target positioning is Coca Cola’s strongest method. They target the same young people that Pepsi does, the 15-25 year old range (Target Market of Coca Cola, 2010). Coca Cola targets upper lower and lower class students and family oriented people with busy life styles who are fun loving and who loves entertainment. They are looking for people who are part of the mobile generation who are on the go and enjoy listening to music and watching television (Target Market of Coca Cola, 2010). Coca Cola and Pepsi and similar products but they do have their differences. Advertising reinforces these differences, which can affect sales and pricing. Advertising also protects the brands from their competition. However, there is a downside; an increase in competitive advertising can have an undesirable effect on the overall sales of each of the brands (Linton, 2011). The Celebrity Face of the Brand: The Fit and the Target In 1984, advertising history was made as Michael Jackson and his brothers appear in Pepsi commercials. Other celebrities like Lionel Richie, Tina Turner and Michael J. Fox soon followed in Pepsi commercials (Our History, n. d. ). Rap singer MC Hammer and Ray Charles appeared in commercials in 1991. All of the celebrity endorsers for Pepsi were chosen to reach a specific target market. Britney Spears and Beyonce were chosen to reach the younger generation just as Michael Jackson was some twenty years earlier. Ray Charles was chosen to reach older consumers who grew up in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s. Other Possible Endorsers for the Brand Pepsi has done a good job keeping up with the times, utilizing the celebrity status of the most popular and well-known people to sell their product. According to TV Guide, the three most popular celebrities are Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, and Mariah Carey. All three have appeared in Pepsi Commercials. Natalie Portman, Hilary Duff, and Zooey Deschanel have never endorsed Pepsi and would reach their target audience. Hilary Duff is a good choice because of her association with the Disney Channel. Young girls look up to her and young boys think she is pretty. Natalie Portman, whose fame skyrocketed with the release of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, would also make an excellent choice for Pepsi commercials. Zooey Deschanel is appealing to young people because she is an actress, a musician, a singer and a songwriter. The Competitors’ Endorsers Paris Hilton, LeBron James, and Christina Aguilera have all endorsed Coca Cola. However, Coca Cola tends to choose more athletic endorsers, like speed skater Apolo Ohno, and Olympic hockey player Angela Ruggiero (Coca-Cola's Olympic endorsers, 2011). Coca Cola looks for more active athletic people, who are in good, physical condition. Perhaps because they want Coca Cola to be associated with a healthy lifestyle. They do have healthier alternatives than Coca Cola itself like juices and teas. Conclusion It is common knowledge that celebrities affect brand positioning. Advertising reinforces the brands image and helps to protect it in the brand’s market share from their competitors (Linton, 2011). References Bellis, M. (n. d. ). The History of Pepsi Cola. Retrieved October 28, 2011, from About. com: http://inventors. about. om/library/inventors/blpepsi. htm Brands. (2011). Retrieved October 29, 2011, from PepsiCo: http://www. pepsico. com/Brands. html Caleb Bradham (1867-1934). (2011). Retrieved October 29, 2011, from North Carolina History Project: http://www. northcarolinahistory. org/encyclopedia/113/entry Coca-Cola's Olympic endorsers. (2011). Retrieved October 30, 2011, from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: http://proje cts. ajc. com/gallery/view/business/020510coke_athletes/ Linton, I. (2011, June 06). Does Advertising Affect Brand Management? Retrieved October 30, 2011, from eHow Money: http://www. ehow. om/info_8548285_advertising-affect-brand-management. html Our History. (n. d. ). Retrieved October 28, 2011, from PepsiCo: http://www. pepsico. com/Company/Our-History. html Pepsi Market Targeting. (2010, January 13). Retrieved October 29, 2011, from About. com: http://inventors. about. com/library/inventors/blpepsi. htm Target Market of Coca Cola. (2010, June 14). Retrieved October 29, 2011, from Zimbio: http://www. zimbio. com/Coca-Cola/articles/AQ1BESn41bA/Target+Market+of+Coca+Cola TV Guide Most Popular Celebrities. (2011). Retrieved October 29, 2011, from TV Guide: http://www. tvguide. com/top-celebrities
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Climate change as environmental challenge Essay
Climate change is the most imperative environmental challenge facing the planet. Due to intensified reliance on fossil fuels for energy, greenhouse gases increase in the atmosphere and warms the Earth warts and all evident from the increasing ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising sea levels ( The warming observed in the past fifty years is very likely to have been caused by the increased greenhouse gases released by human activities like burning of fossil fuels, land use change and agriculture. The atmospheric concentrations of these greenhouse gases have significantly increased since the beginning of industrial revolution ( The Earth’s average surface temperature since 1850 has risen by 0.76oC and is projected to increase from 1.8oC to 4oC in the end of the 21st century considering that there will be no additional mitigation measure apart from those already in place in 2000 ( This increase in temperature may lead to severe snow and ice melting, changes in hydrological and biological systems, earlier migrations and shifting towards the poles of species’ geographic ranges. Adaptation measures are already being implemented and are essential to address the projected consequences. The European Union played a key role in the development of the major treaty addressing the issue on climate change, the Kyoto Protocol, agreed in 1997. The Kyoto protocol of cutting greenhouse gas emission to 8% below 1990’s level in 2008-2012 has allowed the establishment of a global response to the climate problem (; however this adaptation effort is limited. Less lenient mitigation measures will also be needed in order to reduce the severity of climate change’s impacts. It may be necessary to set mandatory limits and ratify national climate policies on reduction of greenhouse gas emission across all economic sectors. Also switching to a more sustainable development paths related to energy efficiency, renewable energies and conservation of natural habitats can make a major contribution to climate change mitigation. Works Cited â€Å"Pew Campaign on Global Warming.†The Pew Charitable Trusts. 1996-2008. 3 June 2008           . â€Å"Climate Change.†The European Commission. 14 May 2008. 3 June 2008           . Â
Friday, September 13, 2019
Carboxylic Acid and Derivatives
Chinese General Hospital Colleges First semester, AY 2013 2014 Organic Chemistry (Laboratory) Experiment no. 10 Date performed: September 5, 2013 Group 3 Names: Date submitted: September 19, 2013 De Gunman, Joanna Claries Del Mound, Marilyn Dells Rexes, Pamela L. Deal Cruz, Married Cyril M. Duran, Zenith Anne P l. Theoretical background Carboxylic acid derivatives are organic compounds containing the call group core structure attached to a Y group, which may be an electronegative atom or substitutes. The Y group acts as a leaving group in necrophilia call substitution. This mechanism is involved in hydrolysis, alcoholisms, and analysis reactions. As strong organic acids, carboxylic acids react with silver nitrate and sodium bicarbonate to form the corresponding carboxylic salts. Among the carboxylic acid derivatives, call halides are the most reactive and amides the least. Thus, the reactions of these compounds with a given reagent vary with regard to the rate, thermometric, and even the completion of the reaction. Call chlorides, due to their reactivity, are good starting materials for synthesis. Esters and amides are important functional groups in bimolecular like fats and proteins. All carboxylic acid derivatives yield the parent carboxylic acid upon reaction with water. Moreover, one derivative can be converted into another, provided the former is more reactive than the latter. II. Objectives To differentiate the reactivates of carboxylic acid derivatives. To distinguished carboxylic acid derivatives using classification tests To explain through chemical equations and mechanisms the reactions involved in each test. Ill. Materials/ Reagents needed % Ethanol Again con.
Marrimark case(FIFO_LIFO) Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marrimark case(FIFO_LIFO) - Coursework Example The ever strengthening value of the Chinese currency which is denominated in Yuan or Renminbi against the US Dollar became another adverse factor for the company as this compounded and further elevated the increase in costs incurred by Merrimack. The flexibility in the exchange rate by Chinese authorities against US Dollar decreased from a CNY: USD ratio of 8.3:1 until mid-2005 to below 7.0:1 by early 2008. Oil prices increase further deteriorated the situation for Merrimack as this elevated shipping costs of transporting finished mowers to the United States by almost 200% with the cost of shipping a 40-foot container from Shanghai to US rising from $3,000 in 2000 to almost $9,000 by 2008. The above critical factors changed the advantage of outsourcing for Merrimack into a soul disadvantage as these cost increments did not affect Merrimack’s competitors such as The Toro Company who has its material manufacturing setup in the United States. This rival was comparatively less aff ected by the increase in manufacturing costs in Asia and indeed benefitted from the weakening dollar in export markets in which it played and competed. All these aspects shrank Merrimack’s sales margins for tractors and mowers and the projected bottom-line or net income of 2008 was lower than that of yielded in 2007 and earlier years. This was not acceptable to the stakeholders of the company and the outside directors pressurized the company’s CEO to keep growing earnings and profits otherwise which will lead to a professional manager to replace him who was not a family member of the Martinos. All these factors were taken into account but the idea of re-development and re-establishing of manufacturing operations in Nashua were dismissed by the company. Searching for another off-shore supplier was a possibility to carry out but that too not before 2009 to sustain the current trends of net income and growth of the company. These plans were not ought to be good and execut able plans until the company controller or the CFO, James Colburn, thought of varying the inventory valuation methods for tractors, mowers and parts, to boost up Merrimack’s bottom-line and satisfy its stakeholders. The CFO had an idea to change the company’s current inventory valuation method (LIFO) into FIFO which will ultimately elevate earnings but will come together with an increase in the tax payables. This was a plan which the CEO had to clearly conceive in order for it to be executed or rejected. The CEO’s concern is to enhance the earnings position of the company and satisfy its stakeholders. After hearing the CFO’s idea about changing inventory valuation method, the CEO ordered the CFO to prepare a memo and a pro-forma income statement for the year 2008 to depict the changes in the bottom-line. The CEO is studying on the drastic impact which a simple change in accounting methods can bring for a company. Effect of CFO’s suggestion on Merri mack’s financial statements The change of the inventory valuation method from LIFO to FIFO which the CFO is suggesting would have a number of effects on the company’
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 44
Ethics - Essay Example The objective of this paper is therefore, to identify examples of dubious activities which are involved in this movie. The first ambiguous activities in the movie, is the way most of the employees who work for the brokerage company becomes millionaires very fast. In real life situations, it takes a while for someone to become a millionaire. For example, in one of the scenes where Snarls Jin tells new recruits that the company does not hire brokers, but they train millionaires. This does not make sense because first of all, this is a brokerage firm, but one of the senior most managers tells its employees that they do not hire brokers, but train them to become millionaires. In addition its common knowledge that, every manager will always try to show new recruits, the company’s laid down rules. Therefore, the activities that the company; is involved with is ethically questionable. The moral philosophy by which the parties seemed to have relied to justify their actions is mala prohibita. This moral philosophy, describes the acts which are not morally wrong, but however, the law prohibits them (Mara and Roberts 108). The parties in the movie relied upon this philosophy to justify their actions by getting involved in dubious stock exchange in order to get rich quickly. This is because when they are caught, the law enforcers will not be able to find any evidence against them, unless they do a much thorough investigation. In addition to that, the constitution is also not very clear on what penalties someone found committing mala prohibita should be given (Mara and Roberts 109). The two alternative philosophies which could have led the parties to different results are mala in se and misdemeanor. Mala in se can be defined as those acts which are immoral and very wrong for killing someone. Misdemeanor on the other hand can be said to be those crimes which are not very serious and therefore attract less penalties (Mara and Roberts 110). In case the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The importance of peer relationships for children social development Essay
The importance of peer relationships for children social development - Essay Example Social development entails continued enhancement of skills relevant to help ones interact with the immediate social environment consisting of people and prevailing conditions and situations. The peer relationships development in children is aided by the combined role played by parents, practitioners as well as the attitudes of the children being taught. Moreover, peer relationships create a sense of responsibility in children, eradication of loneliness caused by family troubles, as well as the enhancement of social competence. These are rationales to the development of social development in an individual. Many problems in children are as a result of poor social upbringing, which ultimately leads to the withdrawal of some children from their peers. However, the recent years have seen researchers, scholars, as well as academicians getting actively involved in the study of the effects of peer relationships in human life (Ford and Harris, 1999). The discussion in this paper aims at inves tigating into the importance of peer relationships in social development. The role of practitioners is crucial to establish at this juncture, as well as the key elements of peer relationships to enhance a better understanding. The reasons as to why children withdraw from their peers as well as the rationale of peer relationships in the future life of children will also be established. Key elements of peer relationships Peer relationships are attributed to a number of significant elements, which include self/irritability, family, school and peers as well as work. Self/ irritability element determines the response of distinct individuals to occurrences/ phenomenon. Some children who are faced with difficulties resulting from physical, family troubles, abandonment, resiliency, and exceptionality respond slowly to peer-relationships. In contrast, those in the relevant contexts often demonstrate a quick response to the peer relationships. Secondly, family context plays a pivotal role in the performance of a child in the social realms. Bronfenbrenner’s systems refer this as the main micro-system influence (Siegel, 2008). Mesosystems explain the influence that occurs as a result of how children respond to the immediate environments, which are composed of a connection between any of the two micro-systems. For instance, a connection between family and school, a child who has difficulties in family life will definitely have difficulties interacting with teachers as well as other children. Recent research has indicated teachers as contributors of poor peer relationships due to their utilization of favoritism on some children. The same is impacted in the societal set up since the child has already developed a negative attitude. Peers are also long-term rationales for the extents of peer relationships and finally social development. These are the friends that one has to interact with in all contexts. Harsh treatment by some peers is also a major cause of withdrawal. Some peers also result in poor
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business Strategy - Essay Example t size, market growth rate, market share as well as market segmentation, clearly, all these are the strength that are enjoyed more by Merck company as compared to the competitor. The company needs to reexamine the top-down aspect in relation to bottom up perspectives as it operation strategy. The decisions that are made by the organization from the top are very important for the company (Hynes, Michael, 23). In order to be able to set general direction for the company, and ultimately influence the overall strategy of the company, then there is a need to interpret clearly the functional areas of the company, including operations, finances as well as marketing. Another very critical area that needs to be explored by the Merck Company is to balance the market requirement and the operations resources. The strategy that has been adopted by Merck needs to examine and reflect on what the company is actually doing in relation to what the market requires. From the analysis, the company is much focused on cost than any other
Monday, September 9, 2019
Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 8
Psychology - Essay Example Seven separate studies were conducted, with more than two thousand participants. The self-esteem of the participants had been gauged and measured previously. These studies included timing the swiftness of the participants’ response, as well as answering simple questionnaires that gauged the strength of the participants’ answers, and diary entries that the participants were asked to make. The results of all of them showed that the participants whose self-esteem had been measured to be high had a more stable view of their relationship, whereas those with low self-esteem levels had a very oscillating view thereof. The results of the study are true for all relationships, not only romantic ones – lower a person’s self-esteem, more vacillating is their outlook towards the relationship they have. Thus, the study concludes that the level of self-esteem of a person’s failures or successes in relationships. It further points out the probability that those wit h high self-esteem are liable to more successful in their relationships, romantic or otherwise. The study, however, does point out that since there is a difference between self-esteem and self-confidence, therefore, it is not easy, if indeed possible, to gauge a person’s self-esteem. People may be completely self-confident about their abilities, for instance, but this does not relate to their sense of themselves – how they view themselves to be in their own mind. This study is a clear indication that those who are secure in themselves and hold themselves in higher esteem, in their own eyes, are liable to be more secure with regard to others and their own relationship with them. Those with low self-esteem, due to their own lack of self worth, project their insecurities on to their relationships and, therefore, swing widely in their opinion regarding those close to them. This can often result in bitterness and disillusionment. It is, therefore, crucial for the
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Financial Reporting Systems and Economic Development Essay
Financial Reporting Systems and Economic Development - Essay Example The role of the financial reporting system, as supported by accounting standards, the law and the ethics, in economic development is reviewed and analyzed in this paper. Particular emphasis is given on faithful representation, as an indicator of the reliability of financial statements. Also, the circumstances under which true and fair override apply are identified and explained. It is proved that faithful representation, in its current form, is something more than simple a compliance with accounting standards. One of the most critical issues when having to evaluate the quality of financial statements is that these statements should achieve faithful representation. In order to understand the role of ‘faithful representation’, as an element of the financial reporting systems, it would be necessary to refer to these systems, as the basis on which a firm’s financial practices are usually based. In accordance with Uddin et al., two major financial reporting systems are considered as the most credible for businesses in all sectors: the US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) and the IFRS.1 The use of one of these systems, which have been appropriately tested as of the effectiveness in financial reporting, results to the increase of credibility of the local economy. From this point of view, it has been proved that the use of these systems within a particular country leads to the increase of the foreign direct investment (FDI) to the above country. Thus, accounting standards and financial reporting are closely related to the performance of the local economy, of course under the terms that global financial markets are stabilized, i.e. that these markets do not suffer from delays in the implementation of financial and other projects. In the literature the term ‘faithful representation’ has been given various explanations, which are all similar. For example, in the study of Hussey reference is made to the use of the term fait hful representation in order to show the reliability of the financial statements involved.2 In other words, the specific term is used in order to indicate the fact that the information included in the financial statements is accurate and responds to the actual financial status of the organization. Apart from reliability, the term ‘faithful representation’ also reflects the completeness of information included in the financial statements.3 The financial statements are considered as complete when they include all necessary information.4 A similar approach in the description of faithful representation is included in the study of Needles et al. In accordance with the above researcher, the term ‘faithful representation’ means that the financial statement involved is ‘complete, neutral and free from error’.5 It is further explained that the phrase ‘free from error’ does not imply the full accuracy of the particular financial statement, a s such requirement is quite difficult, almost impossible, to be achieved since financial statements are highly based on estimations.6 At this point, the following problem appears: how the reliability of financial statements is proved? The fact that there are some transactions that cannot be measured, at least not precisely, is highlighted in the study of Hussey.7 On the other hand, the availability of the data involved is an issue that needs to be carefully considered when having to
Saturday, September 7, 2019
It's FAMILY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
It's FAMILY - Essay Example Among these authors, Nicolas Cage has tried to uphold the positive sides of a family in his film â€Å"Family Men†. In â€Å"Lottery†, Shirley Jackson talks about the cruelty and superstition of member family members. Whereas in the poem, â€Å"Daddy†Sylvia Plath disparages the conservative control of a father over a girl, Hayden appears to be confused about how to assess his father’s control as well as his care for the child. But in the story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†, Flannery O’ Connor tells about the fakery of a family member, namely the Grandmother. But she considers all men and women as members of a common human family. After all, authors present both the good and bad sides of family life and family members. They, to a great extent, reflect Charlotte’s view of the negative consequences of family. Thesis: Though family is important for human life, the authors say that it has both the good and the bad sides and some author itative family members can be harmful for other members. Like Charlotte Gilman, Sylvia is preoccupied with the harmful dominance and control of family members such as a father or a husband on a girl or a woman. In the poem â€Å"Daddy†by Sylvia Plath deals with the negative consequences of a father influence on a child. In the poem, the poet compares her father with a number of imagery, such as daddy, shoe, devil, commander of Jewish extermination, etc to portray the unhappiness that her father caused to her. She compares her father with someone protective; but obviously for her protection, this protection is dark and choking. This is evident in her use of the imagery of black shoe. Shoe protects one’s feet but its blackness means that it is a dark protection (Plaths â€Å"Daddy†). Both Charlotte and Sylvia agree that conservative attitude of family members like father and husband harmful for a woman because they make her passive and choke
Friday, September 6, 2019
Altruism in humans Essay Example for Free
Altruism in humans Essay Calvin et al (1987) proposed a more selfish view of helping, stressing that people help others to avoid feeling sad (a negative state) and because it makes them feel good about themselves. This is called the Negative State Relief (NSR) model. It doesnt matter whether the negative affect (mood) is caused by witnessing the distress of the victim or whether the helper was already in bad mood. Either way, you help to improve your own mood. Adults may internalise the reward of doing good. . Therefore, adults in a bad mood may help in order to alleviate their negative state. However if people can relieve their negative mood through some other source (such as hearing a good joke or getting some money) then they do not need to help. Effect of Mood Enhancement (EME) study A variation on Batsons research was carried. Those participants in the high empathy group (i. e. those who shared in the same opinions as Elaine or Charlie) were offered some cash during the experiment. Accordingly, they helped less-their negative state at seeing Elaine or Charlie suffer was diminished by the cash. The reduction of their negative state in this was meant that they didnt have to help reduce their negative feelings (conclusion). Its been found in numerous studies that being in a good mood results in more pro-social behaviour. Research have found people to be more helpful after listening to comedy, smelling pleasant odours, after finding money or by going outside on sunny days (Boron and Byrne,199. ). However if people feel their good mood will be affected by helping then they are more likely to not help and walk. Artificial studies: all lab studies are extremely artificial and lack ecological validity. Behaviour in the real world is subject to many other factors, such as social and cultural influences on behaviour none of which are explored in these lab settings. Therefore it is difficult to generalise lab findings to a wider context. People have criticised Cialdini et al for proposing to negative a view of human behaviour. However the selfish view of human behaviour might be right. ) Helping does help negative state: its not in dispute those helping others/ another person in need does lead to an improved mood for the helper. So it has face validity.
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