Thursday, May 21, 2020
Political Status of the Disputed Territories - 1318 Words
Political status of the disputed territories The political status between the nations of Israel and Palestine is a continuing crisis that began upon Israels formation shortly after the conclusion of World War II. Many small scale wars and battles have been fought over the years killing many and intensifying the region. The political situation sees many Western forces providing economic and military support for Israel. The conflict lies in two general areas: religious idolatry and the formation of an officially recognized Palestinian state. The political status of Cyprus is fragmented and uncertain. Cyprus has been in disarray since 1974 when Turkey inserted military forces geographically and politically dividing the island nation. Since this time political tension between the Greek and Turkish Cypriots has been constant. United Nations involvement has inserted some relief but a new hydrocarbon discovery off the coast of Cyprus has reignited tensions about who has the rights to the potential economic windfall. After the Soviet breakup in the late 1980s many new political situations arose. Such is the case in Nagorno-Karabakh as Armenian political forces stand in opposition to Azerbaijan. Armenian secessionists using the Soviet absence as an impetus, began a conflict to escape Azerbaijan rule. Religion plays a role in this conflict as the Christian Armenians, under perceived persecution have fought for independence. The political status of the warring nations haveShow MoreRelatedA Short Note On Senkaku Islands Dispute : The Confrontation Among China, Us And Japan1429 Words  | 6 Pagesamong China, US and Japan Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands Dispute is defined as a territorial dispute over a group of islands in East China Sea called Senkaku (Japan), Diaoyu (China) or Tiaoyutai (Taiwan). The dispute has been a main focus of Sino-Japanese political and military conflicts for a long time. Meanwhile, in order to strengthen its dominance in the Asia-Pacific area, the US government aligned with Japan to contain China’s power, making the issue more complicated. Therefore, today, Diaoyu/Senkaku IslandsRead More03.01 Isolationism, Intervention, and Imperialism: Assignment1371 Words  | 6 Pagesanother nation, typically to achieve the stronger powers aims Sphere of Influence: an area or region over which a country has significant cultural, economic, military, or political influence Isolationism: policy of refraining from involvement in global affairs Expansionism: policy of growing a nations physical territory or political influence Imperialism: policy of creating colonies in weaker nations in order to generate raw materials and have access to new markets Turners Thesis: An idea advancedRead MoreEssay about The American Civil War was Avoidable1142 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferences, and set afire by a very unfortunate set of political events. Undoubtedly, the central theme of almost all of the events that led up to the Civil War was one way or another, related to the dispute of slavery. Throughout the nineteenth century, slavery-related tensions brewed to such an extent, that politicians often took accustom to avoiding the hot topic altogether, because they were too scared of either starting a big political feud, or losing votes from one side of the issue or theRead MoreThe Southern China Sea Dispute1558 Words  | 7 Pagesbetween China and Vietnam, Philippine, Malaysia and several other Southeast Asian nations over territorial control in the South China Sea, which includes some of the most strategically important maritime territory on earth. China claimed the sovereignty of territory by far the largest portion of territory - an ar ea defined by the nine-dash line which stretches hundreds of miles south and east from its most southerly province of Hainan. China has backed its expansive claims with island-building and navalRead MoreThe Statehood of Hawaii1704 Words  | 7 Pagesforeigners from the United States attempted to annex Hawai’i from its people and the Hawaiian Monarch for political and military gains. It all started as far back as 1893 when Hawai’i was ruled by Hawaiian Kings and Queens. All three attempts at annexation the United States Diplomats and foreigners failed until 1959 when Hawai’i declared Statehood. The United States Government and its political leaders celebrated along with a small portion of native islanders but sadden and dismayed the majority ofRead MoreAmerican History : The Mexican American War Essay1413 Words  | 6 PagesSince the formation of the United States, war has been a constant factor within the political sphere. From these wars the U.S obtained power, land, and status unseen and unparalleled by any civilization in humankind. One of the earliest wars that allowed the United States to grow into the global power it is today was the Mexican-American war. This war not only shaped American politics for decades, but also fueled the sectional crisis that culminated into the infamous Civil War. Being the new country’sRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War913 Words  | 4 Pages Historians have disputed over the vast majority of causes of the American Civil War for ages. While some explanations may appear easier to pinpoint, the primary underlying catalyst to the start of the war was the controversy over slavery. Though the northern and southern regions of the United States fostered contrasting views on a range of issues, they shared the common perspective of promoting Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was the prevalent attitude that induced Americans to expand fromRead MoreThe Relationship Between Gilbraltar and the United Kingdom Essay1260 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to the Commission’s answer to a question in the Official Journal of the EU , Gibraltar is neither part of the area without internal border controls nor of the customs territory of the European Union. Regarding the Area of freedom, security and justice in Title V of Part Three of the TFEU, Gibraltar is covered by the Protocol allowing the UK to opt into measures adopted regarding that Title, subject to the EU Council’s approval. The same would also apply in relation to the Schengen ProtocolRead MoreUnited States Use of Tageted Killing (TK) Essay1294 Words  | 6 Pages therefore, continued strikes will inevitably kill innocent victims in result to the pursuit of these terrorists. (Taliban vs. Predator, 2013). When TK’s are conducted on a foreign territory, they run the risk of heightening international tensions between the targeting government and the government in whose territory the operation is conducted. Israel’s relations with Jordan became dangerously strained following the failed attempt in September 1997 in Jordan to assassinate Khaled Mashaal, the leaderRead MoreEssay about Race and Ethnicity in Social Sciences877 Words  | 4 Pagesbiological differences, is stereotypical, and the quotation marks emphasise the concept as more of an assumption which has political implications. The term is socially constructed and therefore does serve an essential purpose in society as it has real affects and associations. The term ‘ethnicity’ refers to cultural practices and history, such as religion, language and territory, where a person or a group derives from, summarising their beliefs and traditions, therefore, ethnicity applies to everyone
Monday, May 18, 2020
Somatic Cells vs. Gametes
Multicellular eukaryotic organisms have many different types of cells that perform different functions as they combine to form tissues. However, there are two main types of cells within the multicellular organism: somatic cells and gametes, or sex cells. Somatic cells make up the majority of the bodys cells and account for any regular type of cell in the body that does not perform a function in the sexual reproductive cycle. In humans, these somatic cells contain two full sets of chromosomes (making them diploid cells). Gametes, on the other hand, are involved directly in the reproductive cycle and are most often haploid cells, meaning they only have one set of chromosomes. This allows each contributing cell to pass on half of the needed complete set of chromosomes for reproduction. Somatic Cells Somatic cells are a regular type of body cell that is not involved in any way in sexual reproduction. In humans, such cells are diploid and reproduce using the process of mitosis to create identical diploid copies of themselves when they split. Other types of species may have haploid somatic cells, and in these individuals, all of the body cells have only one set of chromosomes. This can be found in any sort of species that have haplontic life cycles or follow the alternation of generations life cycles. Humans begin as a single cell when the sperm and the egg fuse during fertilization to form a zygote. From there, the zygote will undergo mitosis to create more identical cells, and eventually, these stem cells will undergo differentiation to create different types of somatic cells. Depending on the time of differentiation and the cells exposure to different environments as they develop, the cells will begin down different life paths to create all of the functioning cells of the human body. Humans have more than three trillion cells as an adult, with somatic cells making up the bulk of that number. The somatic cells that have differentiated can become adult neurons in the nervous system, blood cells in the cardiovascular system, liver cells in the digestive system, or any of the many other types of cells found throughout the body. Gametes Almost all multicellular eukaryotic organisms that undergo sexual reproduction use gametes, or sex cells, to create offspring. Since two parents are necessary to create individuals for the next generation of the species, gametes are typically haploid cells. That way, each parent can contribute half of the total DNA to the offspring. When two haploid gametes fuse during fertilization, they each contribute one set of chromosomes to make a single diploid zygote. In humans, the gametes are called the sperm (in the male) and the egg (in the female). These are formed by the process of meiosis, which can turn a diploid cell into four haploid gametes. While a human male can continue to make new gametes throughout his life starting at puberty, the human female has a limited number of gametes she can make within a relatively short amount of time. Mutations and Evolution Sometimes, during replication, mistakes are made, and these mutations can change the DNA in the cells of the body. However, if there is a mutation in a somatic cell, it most likely will not contribute to the evolution of the species. Since somatic cells are in no way involved in the process of sexual reproduction, any changes in the DNA of somatic cells will not get passed down to the offspring of the mutated parent. Since the offspring will not receive the changed DNA and any new traits the parent may have will not be passed down, mutations in the DNA of somatic cells will not affect evolution. If there happens to be a mutation in a gamete, though, that can drive evolution. Mistakes can happen during meiosis that can either change the DNA in the haploid cells or create a chromosome mutation which can add or delete portions of DNA on various chromosomes. If one of the offspring is created from a gamete that has a mutation in it, then that offspring will have different traits that may or may not be favorable for the environment.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Post-Cold War US Foreign Policy - 1417 Words
Post-Cold War US Foreign Relations The Cold War and its ending with the dismantling of the Soviet Union and a great reduction in the threat of communism as a competing system to capitalism and democratic governance changed the focus of US foreign policy. The change did not happen overnight and has ebbed and flowed significantly across time, often associated with the nature of foreign conflicts and US involvement in them but change it did (Saull, 2007, p. 180). The reduction of the size, might and influence of the US military and many institutions associated with foreign relations was almost directly in response to the reduction in the obvious large and cohesive threat of the Soviet Union. Once that cohesive threat, a sort of outside check and balance with which the US had to meet toe to toe created a public and internal government demand for reduction of spending and investment in the US armed forces and also a point of access that changed the manner in which the US attempted to influence and redirect foreign nations (Saull, 2007, p. 180). According to Saul: The collapse of Soviet communism and disintegration of the USSR ushered in a systemic transformation in the structure and political character of the international system. The socio-economic and ideological challenge to capitalism and the capitalist great powers that had originated in 1917, and the geopolitical and strategic arrangements that had emerged after 1945, were replaced with the termination of the USSRsShow MoreRelatedAmerican Strategy For U.s. 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Personal Statement Professional Nurse - 852 Words
Personal Statement Professional Nurse is my number one career choice. In many ways, it reflects my second, third and fourth career choices like Nursing Practitioner, Nutritionist and Health Educator. Educators teach and lead people toward success. Accountants keep and maintain a systematic and chronological record of financial transactions. And professional golfer commits themselves to extensive study and practice to master the skills of their profession. As a Professional Nurse, I see myself incorporating all three. I want to master the skills of medical diagnosis, work to keep and maintain a systematic and chronological record of medical and patient information, and successfully educate my patients, so they are empowered to choose a healthy life. My goal is to work as a nurse specifically pediatric nurse. I developed a love for nursing when I was young, and my mother was treated badly and poorly by nurses that led to her death back home in Ghana. I said to myself I will be a nurse and care for the sick and my love ones especially the needy. I developed an interest in pediatric nursing when I started working with children as a teacher. Also, I developed a love for children when I was young from my grandmother who was a traditional midwife. I used to assist my grandmother when a pregnant woman came to her for delivery. Due to financial hardship, I did not perform well to pursue Science course in Senior High School. Instead, I studied General Arts in Senior High School.Show MoreRelatedCode Of Ethics For Nurses1114 Words  | 5 Pages Professional Code of Conduct Fadrique R. Charlot Nova Southeastern University Professional Code of Conduct Health professionals hold the commitment of providing quality health care to the society in order to fulfil the health concerns of the general population presented daily. Hence, health care practices are established on ethical principles concerning the life and health of human being accordingly. Its values place all obligation in which patients are protected from harm andRead MoreInternational Nursing Ethics1550 Words  | 6 Pagesfor countless reasons. In fact, it voids the very essence of nursing which is care and respect for the patient. Nurses are supposed to take great pains with ensuring patient privacy and with according them respect and honor. Two of the key principles in the Nursing Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia are the following: Nurses value quality nursing care for all people. Nurses value respect and kindness for self and others. (ANMC (nd), p2) The practitioners above, by doing what they didRead MoreEthics Case Study Essay911 Words  | 4 PagesEthics Case Study Nurses are faced with ethical issues and dilemmas on a regular basis. Nurses must understand his or her values and morals to be able to deal adequately with the ethical issues he or she is faced with. Some ethical issues nurses are exposed to may be more difficult than others and the ethical decision making process is learned over time. The purpose of this paper is to identify the ethical issues in the case study provided in the week one assignment. A discussion of how to useRead MoreDefinition of Nursing1191 Words  | 5 PagesNurses have been described as â€Å"lacking professional commitment and motivation, low in risk taking and change-making, having a ‘blue-collar mentality,’ being cautious and conservative, and suffering from lack of cohesiveness and collegiality†(Cohen, 1981; Eisenstein, 1982; Hughs, 1982; Hull, 1982; Kalisch Kalisch, 1977; Kerr, 1982; Lowery-Palmer, 1982; Muff, 1982; Weiss Remen, 1983 as cited in Chandler, 1986, p.1). With this definition of what a nurse has been professed as, there is a fundamentalRead MoreProfessionalism : Professional Boundaries Essay1194 Words  | 5 PagesProfessionalism: Professional Boundaries Merriam-Webster dictionary defines professionalism as: the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well. In order to portray these characteristics of professionalism, one must know the pathway to get there. Miller’s Wheel of Professionalism outlines eight behaviors necessary regarding nurses and professionalism. Those pathways are: continuing education, obedience to the Code of Ethics, communityRead Moremission vision Essay1074 Words  | 5 PagesVision and Personal Goals I have been a nurse in the acute care setting for over 9 years and due to the changes in health care I have decided to pursue my professional goal in the part of a Family nurse practitioner; which will allow me provide advance nursing care. 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For example, the Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) for the state of Utah may apply administrative penalties, such as a fine or citationRead MoreThe Evolutions Of Social Media1585 Words  | 7 PagesThe evolutions in social media come with an increasing number of ways of socializing and connecting with others, which brings about challenges that were not faced previously. This is shown in the case scenario where a student nurse, Roxanne, receives a friend request on Facebook from her client, Ashley, who is recovering from depression and whom Roxanne has developed a therapeutic relationship with during clinical. Ashley appreciates Roxanneâ⠂¬â„¢s supportive care and hopes to attend nursing school. Roxanne’sRead MoreEssay on Writing a Strong Nursing Resume1111 Words  | 5 Pagesinterviewing process. Hospital employers must believe that you have the necessary skills to complete the job. A winning resume successfully conveys your work experience and leaves no room for doubt or confuses the reader. A resume lists all prior (nurse jobs), (nursing programs), and other continuing (nursing education) that the applicant has achieved in his or her (nursing career). This includes all digital (nursing schools) offering accredited (online LPN programs) or (online RN programs). TheseRead MoreUsing the Eight Ethical Decision Model in a Case Study1645 Words  | 7 Pages The nursing home has also disciplined the staff involved and put in place additional measures such as ward rounds by senior staff, regular meetings with patients and their family members, and management check on staff conduct and patients In a statemen t to Yahoo! Singapore, a MOH spokesperson said, investigations into the video recording show significant lapses in the care standards to the patient in question. This should not have happened. There should have been tighter supervision of staff
Competitive Advantage and Disadvantage Between Minorities and Women in the Workforce Free Essays
â€Å"It’s a small world. †How many times do we hear this in our everyday life? The internet, mass media, telecommunications, and mass transportation have all contributed to the shrinking of the international market. As companies become more and more diverse, it’s becoming more and more important for the employees to understand and manage it. We will write a custom essay sample on Competitive Advantage and Disadvantage Between Minorities and Women in the Workforce or any similar topic only for you Order Now For my research paper, I’ve decided to find out the competitive advantage and disadvantage between minorities and women in the workplace. Diversity in the workplace is a topic that many industries and organizations spend an abundant amount of time and training on in order to ensure its presence. Today’s workplace is more diverse than it has ever been in the history of America. 1 out of 4 Americans belong to a minority or is foreign-born. Women are making up less than half of the work force. Whether you are a business owner, executives, salesperson, or customers, your success will increasingly depend on your ability to function in a culturally diverse marketplace. Women, people of color, and immigrants will soon hold almost ? of all jobs in this country. In order to effectively manage diversity and recognize it as a source of strength instead of conflict, we will need to be educated and reprogrammed to accept and embrace diversity. In the world today, it is a face that a lot of people believe that racism is no longer exists. Little do they know, as of 2010, the National Organization of Women believes that the U. S. still needs an affirmative action plan. African American women earned 63 cents to a dollar for the jobs that men do, and Hispanic women earn 57 cents to the dollar and Blacks have twice the unemployment rates of whites. Minority and immigrant groups are often disadvantaged in gaining access to jobs for which they are educationally qualified and earn less than their white counterparts. Descriptive results showed greater overall underemployment among females than males. Blacks and Hispanics had higher unemployment and working poverty rates compared to non-Hispanic whites and Asians, with job mismatch highest among Asians. Immigrant underemployment was greater than that of the native-born Americans. Asians posted the largest disparity in immigrant versus native-born underemployment, and blacks had the smallest. The double disadvantage hypothesis of minority group and immigrant status is accepted only for Asian men and women with jobs mismatched to their skills and for Asian women, who are most likely to be unemployed or be among the working poor. Asian immigrants’ women have the characteristics to stay at home, cleaning house, shy, and less aggressive, which transform to have less attached to the workforce. Researchers have shown great interest in the study of gender and race effects on promotions outcomes. The evidence suggests that women are disadvantaged such that they are less likely to be promoted than their equal qualified male counterparts. Lacks of advancement opportunities is major contributors to voluntary quit decisions by employees that fitted the job well and contribute to the company they belong. Employment decisions should be based on skills and ability, allowing all employees to put their talents to good use and work together to get the best possible outcome. America is not the only place in the world that’s facing the challenge of workplace discrimination. Within the UK, construction has an unenviable status as being the industry with the lowest representation of women and ethnic minority employees. The construction workplace presents a challenging and hostile environment for non-traditional workers, and women and ethnic minority employees face both similar and different challenges and attitudinal barriers. Discriminatory behavior perform by the dominant white male workforce is unbearable, as are informal recruitment practices, exclusive networks and a competitive culture. As the turn of the new millennium, the proportion of minority members living n poverty, attending poorly funded schools, or experiencing other forms of disadvantage far exceed the proportion of whites under these conditions. It was found that the minority residents of communities with large minority populations were in worse socioeconomic conditions than the minority residents of predominately white communities. Furthermore it was found that as minority concentration increased, white residents tended to do better. In addition, the extent of racial inequality between minority and white residents was greater in communities with larger minority populations. The improvement of education and training to minority residents of racially concentrated communities will be very beneficial, not only to the people itself, also think of it as a better country as a whole. There is little question that the improvement of educational levels and employment skills of minority residents communities will pay dividends in the near future. The growing markets of Latin America, Asia, and Central and Eastern Europe are now playing an ever more important role in global buying, selling and manufacturing. Diversity within a company can help the firm better understand the culture, customs, and the way of doing business internationally. Customers also prefer to do business with a workforce that which they can identify, and that have a strong commitment to their community. There are many advantages to having a work environment that is diverse. A company that is prepared for changes in demographics is prepared for the market changes as well as the changes in the pool of applicants. Having a diverse workplace creates an increase in attracting and retaining the most qualified candidates. Diversity programs within corporations improve corporate culture, help in recruitment, and help to maintain better client relations. In conclusion diversity in workforce is growing in all countries, specially America, Canada, and Europe. With having more diverse work environment, organization can produce better performance. It is important for the companies to know diversity and how to handle the issues relating to it. Also the need of the diverse workforce is getting more not only because there are different people but also because they can produce better results with having different types of people working. Leaders in the organizations must learn diversity and how to manage it effectively. One of the reasons, aside that my family is back in Hong Kong, that I will end up going back to Hong Kong as soon as I graduate college is because as much as I don’t want to say it, I can feel discrimination everyday in my life. As little as just playing basketball on a nice day, someone around you will always have the stereotype about how you look and what to expect. We can arguably say that America is the â€Å"melting pot†of the world, but racism, in my book, will never escape in the use of our everyday life. How to cite Competitive Advantage and Disadvantage Between Minorities and Women in the Workforce, Papers
Bla Bla Essay Research Paper 1 Id free essay sample
Bla Bla Essay, Research Paper 1. I? vitamin D like to get down by stating that everything that you merely heard about the success of gun control is FALSE. Case and point: Washington D.C. Since 1976, the District of Columbia has had the state? s most utmost gun control Torahs. NO civilian may Buy or Transport a pistol, nor may ANY gun be kept laden or assembled in a place for self-defence. YET, Washington has one of the HIGHEST homicide rates in the state. In 1992, the Washington Post conducted interviews with 114 inmates in D.C. ? s Lorton Prison who had been convicted of gun offense. 25 % said STRAIGHT OUT that they would acquire a gun every bit shortly as they emerged from prison. 2. If they say? take away guns from the people ( rigorous gun control ) ? 3. If they say? Childs die from guns? We? ll say? I? d be Very interested in cognizing how you can set gun control into consequence. We will write a custom essay sample on Bla Bla Essay Research Paper 1 Id or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Are you traveling to hold the constabulary ask 200 million Americans with a few hundred million guns which they likely paid 100s or 1000s of dollars for to merely give them up? You surely can? t travel into people? s places and seek them for guns! That? s a blazing misdemeanor of the 4th amendment! And who will pay for this plan? Taxpayers? I? vitamin D like to see that go on! Possibly the authorities should pay for it, since you are naming for stricter federal gun control ; is a 4 trillion dollar shortage non large plenty for you? Not merely does gun command NOT work, but even if it did, there? s no manner you can set it into consequence! We? ll say? Harmonizing to a study brought to visible radiation on WABC ( 770 AM ) , America has approximately 5,000 gun vitamin D eaths of kids per twelvemonth. Comparatively, in states like England, Japan, and others, with similar gun control Torahs ( more or less? they vary ) , there are merely every bit small as 5 or 10 deceases of kids due to guns per twelvemonth. Clearly, guns are non the job ; maybe it? s telecasting? maybe it? s parents non transfusing right and incorrect values into their kids? it? s clear though, that guns are NOT the job. Pages 66-71 in? Opposing Point of views 4. If they say? Gun Control is unconstitutional? 5. If they say? Guns are a bad method of self-defence? 6. If they say? Waiting periods will cut down the figure of felons who obtain pistols? We? ll say? ? Roy Copperfield on the panel of? American Heritage Dictionary? and? Merriam Webster? s Use Dictionary? and an overall expert on the English linguistic communication: Opponent Point of views: pp. 88-91 We? ll say? Goto: Opponent Point of views: pp. 114 We? ll say? Goto: Opponent Point of views: pp. 159 Decision In decision, you must retrieve what this argument is approximately. It? s non about whether GUNS KILL or whether it would look logical to censor all guns. It? s truly about whether the American people are willing to FORSAKE their rights from the 2nd and perchance 4th amendments, be taxed 1000000s of dollars, and put religions in a fairy-tale cause ALL for something which doesn? t work and is impossible to set into action. It? s apparent that gun control works ONLY IN THEORY and would neer work in the U.S. Increased federal gun control merely WILL NOT WORK. Thank you
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